Sunday, November 2, 2008


I can finally say this without sounding like an imperialist or a Manifest Destiny apologist: the impending election feels more like a world election, rather than an isolated American one. It is as if everyone and anyone has a personal stake in the election, in spite of nationality or political leaning. The scary thing is that, quite honestly, they do. We all do. 

This morning, the front covers of all the top broadsheets -- The FT, The Independent on Sunday, The Observer (the Sunday counterpart of the Guardian) -- carried photos of Barack Obama, looking very presidential. I've made sure not get my hopes up since the campaign began last year, so as not to risk being left heartbroken. But, as the day approaches, could this really happen? 

I'll be up listening to BBC Radio 4's all-night coverage of the election, starting at 11.15pm on November 4th until 6am the next day. 

In the meantime, I couldn't help notice the eerie similarity between these two. Both former beauty contestants, both equally as articulate. Are we staring at our future? 

Candidate Number 1:

And Candidate Number 2:

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