More shyness trivia:
- Shy children tend to have narrower faces than their peers
- Shy people are more likely to suffer from allergies and hay fever than non-shy people. They also have a more attuned sense of smell
- Shy people are more likely to be conceived during the months of August and September, when the days are shorter and the nights longer
- Humans aren't the only species that experiences shyness. Scientists have been studying shy cattle, shy fish, shy cats, and shy dogs.
From Shyness: A BOLD New Approach (har har...geddit?). The book discusses shyness, its causes, and ends with a treaty on how to achieve 'successful shyness.'
Nice, but quite honestly, if there's something you'd like to try, ask and I won't say no. How could I?*
**apologies to non-fans for the over-reliance on Smiths references
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