From Private Eye:

And from the dark, putrid, depths of the World Wide Web (I don't even want to imagine where, exactly):
La Pequena Sarah Palin
(No) thanks to soulsis for sending me that truly disturbing video clip. More, more!
Edward W. Said (b. 1 nov 1935 -- d. 25 September 2003)"... He was one of those rare people who sought and recognized the connections between different and seemingly disparate disciplines. His unusual understanding of...the human being was perhaps a revelatory construct that parallels between ideas, topics, and cultures can be of a paradoxical nature, not contradicting but enriching each other."...Edward Said's understanding of the world made it impossible for him to see only the obvious, the literal, the readily graspable; in his writing and in his life he continually discovered and brought forth evidence of the interconnected nature of all things."-- Daniel Barenboim, in his foreward to Said's Music at the Limits: Three Decades of Essays and Articles on Music.
"My father, my rational ally, who by his own testimony had married my mother because 'she was always a good writer and I thought a good writer could do anything,' and who chafed against her romantic nature ever since, encouraged me to be a scientist and discouraged me from fancy writing."
"He spoke like a shy schoolchild startled at being called upon to speak in class. But in top form, and in private, he was wickedly witty and funny." -- Andre Leon Talley remembers Yves Saint Laurent (Vogue, August 2008)
"A glorious sunny summer treat to make you positively want to rip off your clothes, dance off Watterloo Bridge and dive headfirst into the Thames singing Fernando. Meryl Streep is a delight, and if you can get past the fact that her wedding-bound daughter looks barely old enough to be out of nappies, you'll be swept up in the frivolous, musical fun."
'Running is the opposite of being still. If you think about death as being completely still and movement as a sign of life, then the fastest movement possible is the biggest sign of life. So then running fast is the exact opposite of death: it's an example of aliveness.'Work No. 850 runs for its life until November 16th.
'Most of us work, all of us have problems. It is also possible to experience alienation and isolation in your homeland. How about a little respect for the Pinoys who stick it around and do the best they can in truly trying circumstances? No one has a monopoly on suffering, but everyone has a unique story. We need fresh insights on the Pinoy experience at home and abroad...'
'I want to live in a place where information is so pervasive that people are too smart for tall tales and Photoshop tricks, where our fake headlines are metajokes in the Onion or skewering irony on The Daily Show. It's actually a sign of progress for a society to go from inventing gods and monsters to seeking catharsis in the real life of Paris Hilton. We no longer need to conflate fiction and nonfiction to explain our world...'