Friday, May 30, 2008


Apologies to my 1.5 readers for the relatively long silence. I was in Bellagio attending a tedious and mind numbing conference, which I barely managed to escape (traumatic flashbacks still haunt me, however...). Although the conference itself was excruciating, Bellagio, Lake Como and the surrounding villages were heartbreakingly beautiful. Mist gently rolling down snow-capped mountain peaks, vividly lush greenery, fields of fragrant wildflowers in full bloom, schools of fish visible just beneath the lake's silvery surface, sailboats languorously swaying in the distance ... the area inspired all forms of purple prose imaginable.  It was a very 'torture in paradise' experience. Wish you were there.

I have run away to a safehouse in Milan, set up by the IOM for trafficked researchers.  I hope to find my way home soon. In the meantime, here are other memories of captivity, structured in a format I blatantly copied off a real writer (sorry Dan), minus the wit:

ATE lots of fish, soup, and salad, all sourced locally
DRANK an average of 8 -10 cups of sugary hot chocolate a day (sourced from a dubious-looking coffee machine)
STAYED at the Rockefeller center
SAILED across the lake via ferry boat
SPOTTED the balcony where Padme and Anakin shot that love scene for that epically horrible movie
FAILED to spot George Clooney, in spite of being tipped off by an inquisitive, reliable source on all things A-list
FORGOT to bring my digital camera cord, so the hazy picture you see is from my phone
BOUGHT limoncello for soulsis, olive oil for the chef

Apparently, John F. Kennedy whisked Marilyn Monroe off to Bellagio when he was wooing her. Looks like it worked.


Unknown said...

1.5 readers? i might not be showing up on your counters because i'm a subscriber. :)

the scholars in bellagio must be very inspired. hope you'll like københavn!

Rosamunde said...

So inspired they never stop working! No, in spite of my whining, it was a good experience. I can only imagine the amazing photos you'd take of that place.

Thanks for subscribing :) That makes 2.5 readers. I'll probably be bugging you for Denmark tips soon, as you are definitely an insider ;-)

Anonymous said...

hi soulsis
wheee!!! limoncello! you are the sweetest! (you, soulsis, not the limoncello, although that's also sweet:-)).